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Tally Shoper Single user Silver Box CD Call for Best Price

Price: ₹ 21,600.00


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Tally Shoper Single user Silver Box CD Call for Best Price Specifications, Review & Details

Shoper 9 is the latest offering of our enterprise retail software suite. As with all Tally products, rapid updates are made available for the lifetime of the product via periodic releases, thereby providing the high level of business capability that millions of users trust. Highlights include a very light product footprint, immediate access to new features and enhancements, easy data migration and more.

The Highlights in Shoper 9 Series A Release 1.91 are:

1.Facility to set location specific prices for stock items, centrally at the head office and send only the relevant prices to the corresponding stores. Similar facility is available when price revisions are defined for such items.

2.Credit Sale Management for handling credit sales related functions. The features include: Collection of payments against outstanding credit bills; Configuration of opening balance and cut-off date based on customer; Reports to view outstanding balance and collection details; and acknowledgement printing.

3. Provision to plug-in item level event extensions in Sales and Sales Return. This facility is provided at stock number, quantity, rate and item level discount fields in Sales and stock number field in Sales Return.

4.Provision to specify tax applicability (as retail price inclusive or exclusive of tax) for items sold under the sales promotions..

5. Enhancements in document printing using Tally technology to: increase speed of printing; print VAT bifurcation when multiple VAT rates are billed; print bill level discount percentage apart from the amount; print item classification details such as Class1 (product), Class2 (brand), SubClass1 (style) and SubClass2 (shade) in all templates except size-wise.

6. The facility in Shoper 9 POS to restrict menu access for each company separately.

7. Facility to restrict display of Cost Price in transaction and reports based on user privileges. This can even be centrally controlled from head office.

8. Performance of SIS has been improved, resulting in faster generation of Analysis Reports and Tally Printing.

HelpingIndia ▷ Buy Tally Shoper Single Best Price From Accounting Softwares Online Shop. Current Cheap & Updated (17 February 2025) Price of Tally Shoper Single user Silver Box CD Call for Best Price from Accounting Softwares Market Nehru Place Delhi NCR INDIA. Tally Best Price Products Best Price, tally shoppers 9 software Lowest Online Rates. Shop buy or purchase online Tally Shoper Single user Silver Box CD Call for Best Price product from anywhere in india.