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Network LAN RJ45 RJ11 RJ12 8P8C Cable Crimper Plier Crimping Tool

Price: ₹ 225.00


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Network LAN RJ45 RJ11 RJ12 8P8C Cable Crimper Plier Crimping Tool Specifications, Review & Details

Crimping Tool RJ45 RJ11 RJ12 8P8C 6P6C CAT5 LAN Cable Cutter


Crimping Tool RJ45 RJ11 RJ12 8P8C 6P6C CAT5 LAN Cutter


Almost all modern NICs, hubs and routers use a type of connector called "RJ45" This is an 8-pin plastic connector that looks like a large version of a telephone connector. To put these connectors on the cable, you will have RJ45 crimping tool. The tool is necessary because it not only clamps the connector onto the cable, but also pushes the teeth of the connector into the individual wires of the cable. Do NOT attempt to apply these connectors without the proper crimping tool.

Step 4: Crimping the connector. : Insert the RJ45 connector into the crimping tool with the connector’s clip fitting into the guide built into the crimper. The gold teeth of the connector should be facing the teeth on the crimper. Make sure the connector is pushed all the way into the crimper until it cannot go any farther. This ensures the teeth of the crimper are properly aligned with the teeth of the connector. Close the handles of the crimper firmly together. Test the connection by gently tugging on the cable to ensure it does not come out of the connector.

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