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Summit Indica UNICODE Win (Hindi-30 Fonts+ 1 Extra Language) Software CD

Price: ₹ 8,600.00


  • Known as: Indica hindi software
  • Manufactured by: Summit
  • Click for other Products of Summit for best price, offers & sales in our online storeOrigin of Country INDIA

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Summit Indica UNICODE Win (Hindi-30 Fonts+ 1 Extra Language) Software CD Specifications, Review & Details

Summit Indica UNICODE Win (Hindi-30 Fonts+ 1 Extra Language) Software CD

Introducing Indica Unicode, a matured and well evolved Indian Language computing technology. A new generation of software that gives you the best of both worlds the quality and flexibility of classic Indica and standard of Unicode along with many enhanced features and functionality that continues to keep Summit Indica far ahead of its competition. Indica is a must for professional quality Indian language writing on any platform using in any application.

  • Compatibility with Microsoft, Apple and Linux Operating Systems including Windows XP, Windows Vista, 7 & 8, MacOS 10.x and Linux. Summit is committed to continue to keep supporting the latest Microsoft, MacOS and Linux platforms in the future.
  • Works with a wide range of applications such as MS Office, Open Office, MS Outlook and Outlook Express, Quark Xpress, Adobe Collections, OpenOffice, Final Cut Pro etc.
  • Interoperability between documents in non Unicode and Unicode fonts. The documents created in non UnicodeIndica fonts as well as those containing fonts of other vendors can be read using Indica.
  • Wide variety of keyboard layouts such as InScript, English Phonetic, Remington, Godrej, Linotype, Monotype, Linguist etc.
  • Fonts are available for all Indian Languages: Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Nepali, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Konkani, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu and Oriya.
  • Unique eIndica technology. eindica offers you tools and components for using Indian languages in different Internet technology platforms such as Dot Net, PHP, Java etc, giving complete Internet support on all OS platforms including Windows, Linux and MacOS.
  • Unique Intelli-Keys technology offers an artificial intelligence based system to provide easy-to-use typing method and predictive word suggestions to the users as they type the text in Indian languages in the office applications such as MS Office, Open Office etc. and web browser based applications. Using Intelli-Keys a novice user can expertly start typing language text within minutes.
  • High quality Indian language fonts from Summit now improved further.
  • Indica offers the best Indian language spell check functionality to enable you to get error free text.

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