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School / College Management CD Software

Price: ₹ 4,800.00


  • Known as: school management software
  • Manufactured by: Delhi Based
  • Click for other Products of Delhi Based for best price, offers & sales in our online storeOrigin of Country INDIA

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School / College Management CD Software Specifications, Review & Details

School / College Management CD Software

Educator's First Choices
SMS (School Management Software) is a popular package to manage the registration and Withdrawal of student in conjunction with other application. Enrollment process of the Program allows the user to enter, amend and analyze student demographic information. It is designed to manage fees, annual funds and other charges. Individual student statement can be printed, as well as a variety of account summaries.
It is especially popular among teachers. It allows teachers to electronically record Marks reporting. Gathers data from the various teachers, organizes the Marks and prints out the student’s report card. Automatically calculates Student Rank in the class. It also produces a variety of summary reports. It is highly user friendly software which can work stand-alone or multi user system (depends on licensed purchased for). It is Flexible and adaptable to be tailored to most users’ needs’.

SMS is customized/readymade integrated software system designed to streamline your administrative function. .......... Save your time and money. It simplifies the work of the educator’s with accuracy & covers a wide range of school administrative functions.


Fees/charges & fine define criteria as per school standard
Automatic fees & fine due (Admission fees, monthly fees, Hostels & Bus charges)
Fees collection system (Monthly, quarterly, half yearly)
Other fees Collection (Hostel, Transports/Bus, Tours, Extra course etc.)
Fees Receipt prints automatically & update student ledger
Day book (fees collection report)
Total fees collection
Exam terms define class/section wise (as per school exam system)
Terms wise exam Marks entry
Class and subject wise marks report
Student progress report card
Consolidate report card
Backup database
Printer option
Setup (school name & addresses, information)
Reports on Printer/Screen/File
Security: Password protection on user level & Administrator Level
Application form submit
Student identity card print
Maintaining application form sale
Admission form (candidate information, Student Photo &Document Received)
Student Check List (one/all class/section boys/girls etc.)
Hostel student reports
Unsuccessful student entry
Student withdrawal entry
Year-end process
Student basic information (personal + communication detail)
Family Details (parents + brother, sister)
Student history (education background)
Class, section & Medium Allotment
Subject & faculty provided
Hostel Detail
Transport/Bus facility
Staff personal detail
Staff Salary information
Staff list

Separate Module for Charging on other heads over and above regular fees
Separate module for charging particular student over and above regular fees
Receipts (pre-printed and plain paper)for different paper sizes viz.2.5 Inches 4 Inches half cutter ,A4
School leaving certificate
Identity card with Barcode and photo (both vertical and horizontal)
Character certificate
Experience certificate
Transfer certificate
Student Age Certificate
Category Wise Student information Report
Separate module for Exam Details Capturing and Report
Examination Performance Report
CBSE Based Student report card
Location Wise student listing
SMS Service for absent student List (additional Message pack required to activate all sms send features)
SMS Service for Receipt of fees
SMS Service for fee
Student Attendance report
Web Cam Support
Barcoding Support 21.Grade Based Examination Evaluation Along with marks based

OS: WINDOWS 98, 2000, ME, XP, VISTA, WIN 7, 8, 10 (32-64 bit)
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