Intel 865/845 Motherboard Price, Intel 865 Motherboard, Intel 865/845 Motherboard, Shops, List, Online, Buy, Market, Delhi, Intel, 865/845, MotherBoard, Intel 865 Chipset MotherBoard

Intel 865 Chipset motherBoard price, Intel 865/845 motherboard, Intel 865 Chipset SATA motherBoard market rate, Buy Intel 865/845 motherboard, Intel 865/845 S..

Intel 865 Chipset w Lan + SATA motherBoard

Price: ₹ 3,500.00


  • Known as: Intel 865/845 motherboard
  • Manufactured by: Chinese Make
  • Click for other Products of Chinese Make for best price, offers & sales in our online storeOrigin of Country INDIA

Ask about Intel 865 Chipset w Lan + SATA motherBoard?

Click "Intel 865 Chipset w Lan + SATA motherBoard" for Details

Intel 865 Chipset w Lan + SATA motherBoard Specifications, Review & Details

Intel® 865 Chipset  + SATA connectro for SATA Hard Drives

Features Benefits
800 MHz system bus Increased system bandwidth for greater system responsiveness and seamless user interaction
256 bit internal data paths 4x the internal data transfer capability over previous generations
Intel® hub architecture Dedicated data paths to deliver maximum bandwidth for I/O intensive applications
 DDR1 Ram Choice of memory technology to support a full range of price/performance requirements
AGP4X interface High-bandwidth interface for high-quality 2D, 3D, and video streams
LAN connect interface Multiple networking options taking advantage of Intel® SingleDriver™ technology
Alert on LAN* 2.0 Emits an alert in case of software failures or system intrusion, even when the O/S is not present or the system is suspended
Dual usb controllers Two controllers for four ports, delivering a total USB bandwidth of 24 Mbps
Ultra ATA/100 Takes advantage of industry innovations in hard disk drive features and performance.
Software that helps accelerate boot time and application launch times
controller support
Communications Network Riser Card Allows flexibility for multiple configurations on a single card to extend USB, LAN and audio
Low-power sleep mode Energy savings

Warranty : 1 year

Product appearance & specifications may vary..Pls. check compataibility with you processor before buying

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